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Iridology is a non-invasive practice that involves examining the iris—the coloured part of the eye—to gain insights into a person’s overall health. The iris reflects the state of various organs, systems, and emotional health, acting as a map for Naturopaths to detect potential imbalances and inherited health weaknesses. Our specialised Naturopaths use Iridology to provide personalised health assessments and develop tailored Wellness Plans that support your journey to better health.

What iridology can tell us

  • Which part of our body needs support. Like a map, the iris can reveal areas of our body which are under stress and in need of attention.

  • How resilient our body is. Iris density represents structural integrity and the body's level of resistance to illness and stress.

  • Which diseases we may be more susceptible too. The colour of our iris can reveal diseases and illnesses we may be predisposed too.

  • Which health supplements may work best for you and your condition.

  • The status of your gut health and the presence of leaky gut syndrome.

  • By identifying root causes of illness and making appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes, iridology is a non-evasive disease prevention tool.

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